The Corona virus is here and has an enormous impact on the entire world. We should respect the regulations put upon us to restrict the virus spreading even further. We should protect ourselves and the world. If you’re feeling sick, don’t train.
When society more or less shuts down and the Corona virus forces us to cancel group rides, spinning classes, races and most social interactions, it’s easy to get worried about the future and the forthcoming season. Yes, it’s only early spring, but no one knows how long it’s going to last.
Necessity is mother of invention and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. We therefore bring you “Hope Tour – An alternative training calendar”. An optimistic way of training and having fun – alone, but together.
Participate and receive “Badge of honour”
Everyone who completes at least 4 out of 8 events will receive an electronic “Badge of honour” as a sign of being an optimistic badass.
How to participate in the Hope Tour:
- Sign up for the event on Facebook
- Become a member of the Hope Tour club on Strava
How to register completion of a stage:
- Upload your ride to Strava
- Create an image post on the event page for the specific event on Facebook with a link to your Strava ride. It could be like: “Hi all, I’ve just completed the first stage. It was great… and a little bit hard! Here’s a picture of me 2 minutes after the last interval and a link to the activity on Strava”.
- The registration of the activity must be registered no later than 1 day after completion.
All participants who completes at least 4 out of 8 events will be posted on this page. For every completed stage you’ll receive 1 point – and during the tour it’s possible to collect extra points by completing various subtasks: Choosing a particularly challenging route, writing a ride report or posting theme-specific pictures from rides .
During the tour there will be extra challenges and prizes, so check out the Facebook event regularly.
It started in Norway, but we hope to get many other countries in on it
My good friend, pro-rider Jonas Orset, started the Hope Tour in Norway and they are doing a similar tour up there. We have therefore planned a couple of international “Hope Tour Social Rides” on Zwift together. Great for some international and optimistic banter.
March 17-30
Zwift – The Optimist
During this period you are going to do a long ride on Zwift. It’s up to you on which course and when.
Pro/A class: 150 km
B class: 100 km
During the last 50 km listen to Evie Irie’s “The Optimist” 3 times.

Stage 1
March 18 at 17:00
Zwift: International Group Ride with Green Cycling Norway
Participate in this easy social spin on Zwift with the other Hope Tour participants. Good warm-up for Thursday’s race.
Follow the guidelines in Facebook event

Stage 2
March 19 at 18:30
Zwift: DCU Cup 2020
It’s a tough race series with participants from the entire world – but most Danes. There’s races in all categories A/B/C/D.
See more about DCU Cup here
Stage sponsor: State Drinks
Everyone participating in Hope Tour AND completing this stage will get a 25% discount in the State Drinks webshop. The winner will win a free 24 pack State Drinks (value 395,-).

Stage 3
March 25-29
Adventure Solo Ride (outside)
During these 5 days you have to cover the distance listed below. You decide for yourself if you split it into 5 days or do it all at once. It’s also up to you if it’s by roadbike, gravelbike or MTB. The goal is to ride somewhere you haven’t been before. Go and explore and take loads of pictures.
Pro/A class: 400 km
B class: 200 km

Stage 4
April 2 at 20:00
Zwift: Kalas Cup Round 10
It’s a tough race series with participants from the entire world – and many Norwegians, since it’s their national championship in Zwifting. There’s races in all categories A/B/C/D.
See more about Kalas Cup here
Stage sponsor: State Drinks
Everyone participating in Hope Tour AND completing this stage will get a 25% discount in the State Drinks webshop. No. 1 and 2 will win a free 24 pack State Drinks (value 395,-).

Stage 5
April 4
Solo long ride (outside)
Do a long ride between 4-7+ hours and enjoy the solitude.
Pro/A class: 7t+ (200-300 km)
B class: 4t+ (100-150 km)

Stage 6
April 8
Solo tempo test
Find your favorite route for doing high tempo rides at around 10-20 km. Do it alone. Full speed.
Pro/A class: 20 km
B class: 10 km

Stage 7
April 11
De Ronde van 101
Now that the spring classic is not going to happen, we’ll do our own. Start and stop at the exact same place. 1 bonuspoint if you hit it within +/- 1 kilometer.
Pro/A/B class: 101 km
Stage sponsor: PurePower
2 persons completing this stage will win a race pack (value DKK 299,-) from PurePower. We’ll make a draw.

Stage 8
April 13
You decide for yourself where you go and how long, but you should post a picture of your own little pancake ceremony and short ride report upon completion. The most interesting ride and best pancake image is rewarded.
Pro/A class: Route should contain passage (and picture of) of at least one sea, forest and cow. At least 3 pancakes.
B class: Route should contain passage (and picture of) passage of at least one forest and cow. At least 1 pancake.
Spread hope and optimism
We have great respect for the impact of the Corona virus, but we don’t need to mentally isolate us. Let’s be positive, be creative and create social interactions and community through social media.